ITL / 2017


Absolute coding precision to reduce page loading to milliseconds.


As a Fortune 100 company in the business of making information processing fast, Intel reached out to us to reduce the average page loading speeds for and convey to their visitors how important a millisecond is for the leader in the microprocessor industry.

Since we build one of the fastest loading sites online, the task was at reach but not without challenges.  Intel had – as expected – precise and extensive instructions and specifications to keep their brand, content and usability consistent across all their internet presence.

This required creative, out of the box approaches to achieving the goal of loading each page in their site under 400 milliseconds.

Precise specifications

This level of precision in the requirements made coding line by line a necessity, not a luxury.

Precise specifications

scope & timeline

Day 1

Alpha version

Obtain all the assets and create a collaborative source material catalog. Prototype and first mobile-first markup.

Beta version

Complete coding and testing. Quality control in over 16 browsers, devices and connection speeds.

Release candidate

Compression and packaging of assets for deployment. Configuration of CDNs and Load Balancers.

day 16

Advanced JPEG compression

Advanced JPEG compression

By creating a Huffman coded DPCM based JPEG compression algorithm, we were able to reduce image sizes by 56% without quality loss.

Fonts icons.

By creating a custom font with the official icons used in, we were able to load the UX 3 times faster than sprites and SVG icons.

Fonts icons.


By using a heavily customized and compressed version of Bootstrap 4, we were able to create the fastest loading mobile experience possible.

Average loading speed

We were able to reduce average loading speed by 60% for the DOM and then asynchronously load the rest of the content.
386ms average
960ms average

0 300 600 900 1200

Loading time in Milliseconds

"Great Skill"

Reliable and knowledgeable. They helped us meet some very tight deadlines.

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